Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Course profile

Description: Here is my first pass at the profile for the full course. At least it is mostly all below the snow level now, so I can go run it. I took out the kayak whacking, dog sledding, and camel trekking sections along with the strong man barrel toss. I figured this might be enough. I guess this should be a small hint for some people (not naming names, but if I did I would say Jerry) to get on the bike and start putting in some hills.

Mile marker (Racer's expected thoughts)
0-7 (Happy to be doing the race)
7-8 (This sure is harder than I expected)
10 (That was a fun downhill)
10-20 (I really thought we were just going to go around that hill)
20-25 (Ahh back to fun downhill. The breeze sure felt nice on the way down)
25 (Where the hell did this hill come from? I am beginning to dislike this Race Director)
27-38 (I sure wish the sun would go away. Maybe I should have brought more food)
38 (So this is the “Hill of Sorrows”. It would be easier if I had eaten and drank more all day)
40-49 (Damn that sun, I live in the Northwest. When is it going to rain again I am hot)
50-52 (I hate this race director)
52-55 (Good thing I know where the race director lives. I am going to burn his house down)
60 (I am cold, what happened to the sun)
63 (That was fun. I am damn hungry. When does the next race start?)

Yours truly,
Evil Race Director RS.

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