Sunday, June 29, 2008

Preliminary results

Preliminary results: (official to follow)
Primal Smith 2008
Heat plus Hills: 1
Racers: 0

The heat, the hills, the crashes, the needles, more heat, more hills, and a few more crashes did the participants in at the inaugural Primal Smith. Temps reached into the high 90s and the sun baked racers as they road to the remote TA, only to start the trek with a 800 foot climb up the power line with no shade. The hill of Sorrows lived up to its name sake as teams attacked it slightly after the hottest time of the day. An Urban O event over the heat emitting pavement followed as the sun continued it slow trek across the cloudless sky. The prospect of several more large climbs on both foot and bike was enough for the racers to call it a day and hang out in Rico’s backyard instead. For some it was a true Wicked wake up call, while for others it was statement that yes, summer is officially here.

The Evil Race director's deal with Mother Nature appears to have paid off.

Photos will be posted on Monday.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Notes from the field #2

Well I was out placing flags last weekend and had to alter the course. The nice clearing where I was going to place a CP is now covered by five to six foot tall plants. Not really a clearing any longer. So what would a true evil race director do? Make the course shorter? Not sure that’s a good idea. Make the new CP at the top of a large steep clear-cut with only knee high plant growth? Why that sounded like a good idea. I guess you will have to validate the decision if you decide to hit CP12.

I plotted and printed the maps today. Since we have no sponsors to print our stuff on nice water proof folding maps, they will likely all end up on 8.5 x 11 or legal size paper. That being said, you should probably think about bringing something to carry them in. Also a second word of advice, if you happen to own or want to buy the Green Trails maps for Tiger mountain and/or Cougar mountain you might want to think about bringing them. That is because at least sometime during the race you will be on one or the other map. You will also be on other maps, so don’t assume you know all the trails. If there happens to be someone who has already done the entire course and been on all the trails, then as Race Management we feel we have not done our job and will refund you your wallet breaking entry fee.

Current forecast says hot and sunny, but who really knows. Plan accordingly and plan for travelling for multiple hours without being able to refill your water unless from a stream, which are pretty full right now.

Now the big question- where to start:

Plan to have the pre-race meeting at Issaquah highlands park and ride at 8 am.
Issaquah Highlands P&R1755 Highlands Dr NE Highlands Dr NE & NE High St

Optional prologue to happen shortly after that.

I would follow PQ’s lead and make you go get a GPS as mandatory gear, but then you would know where you are at all times and could yell at me if I miss placed a CP, so no GPS’s on the course since I didn’t use one to set it. But you do need a writing utensil or two for filling out the passport unless you want to remember and make up answers at the finish line.

The post below shows Rick doing some course vetting.

Now get back to watching PQ. DART is in top 5 as of this mail going out.

The slightly scraped up Evil Race Director

Course vetting...

Guess which is correct:
1. Rick is taking a nap in the ferns
2. Rick just crashed big time and needs a few minutes to compose himself

Friday, June 13, 2008

Notes from the field

Currently we have seven teams officially signed up, but several of you have expressed interest. Drop me a mail if you are still in as I will likely be creating the maps early next week. It takes a while with a brown paper bag and crayons. Maybe I should try using the color printer instead? If you don’t register, you are still welcome to race, there just might not be a map for you. Feel free to pass this mail along to other who you think might be interested in the race.

The course is set and here are some notes:

Course layout:
The course has been set up with the following rules. CPs must be hit in order. However, you may chose to skip a CP if you want to. See diagram below. Will explain in more detail at race start.

Route choice:
Since CPs may be skipped, deciding what route to take will be very important. It will be very difficult to reach all the CPs before time cut offs, so planning and changing plans on the fly are key. Are you strong and fast enough bikers to make it to the top of the big climb then back down and still have the energy to reach all the trekking CPs? What about that team next to you that skipped the bike climb? Is that bushwhack to that CP really worth the time it would take to get out there?

The winner will be the team that reaches the finish line before the cut off with the most CPs. If two team have the same number of CPs at the finish line, default falls to finishing time.

Course time:
There will be a 15 hour cut off at the finish line. There will be other cut off times on the course.

There will be a few manned CPs and all TAs will be manned. You will be responsible for bringing all your gear with you the entire race. Trekking stuff carried during biking sections. Bikes will be watched during any remote trekking. This means no remote gear boxes or refills. The course will take you back near the start line, so you may choose to return to your cars for resupply, but that will not be a requirement or possibly the fastest route depending on which CP you are coming from.

Stuff on course:
There will be a creek crossing section near the end of one of the bike legs. You will then start a trekking section. So bringing a second pair of socks might not be a bad idea.

Pants: during the trekking sections there will be CPs that require bushwhacking to reach. Thanks to the nice weather even the bushes near the trails have gone crazy. Pant and or tights might keep your legs looking pretty and not covered by needles, nicks, and thorns. I have done the hikes in shorts and paid the price so figured I would be nice enough to warm you.

Thanks to the rain, there should be plenty of water on the course. More than we might like. But there will also be the opportunity to refill at stores you pass and TAs should have limited water. Depends on how much I feel like carrying to the remote TA.

Biking will be on roads, fire roads and single track. There is also one section of trail that requires bikes to be hiked. The rest of the course you can choose to ride or walk whatever you feel. Some of the single track can be technical, so make sure your breaks work or if they don’t double check your helmet.

CPs will streamers or signs. The passport will have questions that need to be answered. Be prepared to think as not all answers will be as easy as writing down a letter.

Prerace meeting will start at 8 am on Saturday the 28th. Next update will tell you where to meet. Location will be within hour of most locations in the greater Seattle area.

Enjoy ,

Evil Race Director